One of our proprietary tools is a brand we call O.C.T.A.™ designed to help you focus on what you want to achieve and the relationship you want to establish with your consumer

Objective:  We believe that success can only be found if the objective is crystal clear and agreed upon by the entire team. Before we do anything else, we will work with you and your team to determine a challenging and stretchable, but real and achievable outcome.

Challenge: There are always a lot of challenges when it comes to meeting your objective. What we do, is help you to focus on the challenge(s) that you can control. 

Truth:  The truth is bigger than an insight. Insights are meant to inform, but the truth is based on the relationship your consumers want with you, instead of the other way around. In order to meet your objective, we will work with your team to uncover the truth behind what will drive your success. We will take the hyperbole out of it. It won’t be fancy. It won’t be complicated. But it will be real. 

Answer:  Giving you a simple and implementable answer to quickly build your brand and your business. An answer that is built on what you ‘do’ as a brand, not just what you ‘say’.